General ledger> Setup> Exchange rates> Declension

Task that uses this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Specify the name of the units and parts of the currency in different cases.





The current currency code.


Select the language for which the currency unit declension fields will be populated.

Singular nominative

Enter the currency name in singular nominative.

(Name of units)

Singular nominative

Modify the currency name in singular nominative, if required.

Plural nominative

Enter the currency name in plural nominative.

Singular genitive

Enter the currency name in singular genitive.

Plural genitive

Enter the currency name in plural genitive.

(Name of parts)

Singular nominative

Enter the fractional currency name in singular nominative.

Plural nominative

Enter the fractional currency name in plural nominative.

Singular genitive

Enter the fractional currency name in singular genitive.

Plural genitive

Enter the fractional currency name in plural genitive.

Shortcut name of units

Enter the shortcut name of currency units.

Shortcut name for parts

Enter the short name for part of currency.

Conjunction 'and' between units and parts

Select this check box to print the conjunction 'and' between units and parts.

See Also