Under Hungarian tax law, you can report tax information on a date other than the posting date.
Use the Date of VAT registerform to update invoices on purchase order lines of ledger journals, such as a general journal, customer journal, or vendor payment journal. When you update or post the documents, all taxes are posted with the corresponding date of the VAT register, and the date is displayed on relevant forms, such as customer and vendor invoice journals.
This date is used in several tax reports, including:
Sales tax payment by code
Sales tax list
Tax report sales invoice
To use this feature, you must select the Transaction date for VAT register period(LedgerBasiVatDueDate_W) configuration key.
Click Accounts receivable> Common Forms> Sales Order Detailsto open the Sales orderform.
Press CTRL+N to create a sales order, and enter the required details or select an existing sales order.
For more information, see "Sales order Details (form)" and "Create a sales order" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Click Posting> Invoiceto open the Posting invoiceform.
Click the Setuptab.
In the Date of VAT registerfield, select the VAT register date.
Click OKto post the invoice.