General ledger> Reports> Transactions> Periodic> Ledger statement

Use the ledger profit and loss statement to view the ledger balance of individual accounts and the totals for all accounts over a specified period.

Navigating the form

Note Note

For information about creating reports, see "Reporting" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





For information about the Generaltab, see "Enter information on the General tab" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.


For information about the Batchtab, see "Prepare batch processing on the Batch tab" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.




Period start

Enter the starting date of the accounting period for the ledger statement.

End of period

Enter the ending date of the accounting period for the ledger statement.

Declaring amounts

Select the number of units from the following options:

  • 1

  • 1000

Current options

The information displayed in this section is determined by your selections when you set up the printing options.