Click Accounts receivable> Common Forms> Customer Detailsto open the Customersform.
Click Accounts payable> Common Forms> Vendor Detailsto open the Vendorsform.
Create or select a customer or a vendor for whom a bank account is to be set up.
For more information, see "Customers (form)" or "Vendors (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Click Setup> Bank accountsto open the Customer bank accountsform or the Vendor bank accountsform.
For more information, see "Customer bank accounts (form)" or "Vendor bank accounts (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
In the Bank accountfield, enter the bank account number.
In the Corr. bank accountfield, enter the correspondence bank account number for the customer or vendor.
In the Currencyfield, enter the current currency code.
Select the Defaultcheck box to set up the bank account as the default bank account for a specific currency.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.