The Russian address classifier is a directory of postal addresses classified by the RF Federal Tax Service. The KLADR database, which is updated monthly, is available at the Russian tax service GNIVC Web site, Use this procedure to import abbreviations from the KLADR database.
Click Basic> Setup> Addresses> Abbreviations> Importto open the Import of dataform.
Click ODBC Setupto open the ODBC Data source Administratorform to create a new data source by using the Microsoft dBase driver, and specify the source name and the path to the folder that contains the KLADR files.
The required KLADR file must first be downloaded from the GNIVC Web site. Once the new data source is saved, it will be available in the Name of ODBC sourcefield.
In the Import file typefield, select the KLADR formatimport file type.
In the Name of ODBC sourcefield, select the data source that is linked to the file path for the KLADR files in *.DBF format.
Click OKto import the abbreviations.