An Intrastat declaration is a compulsory declaration of movements of goods to or from other member states of the European Union.
Click Basic> Setup> Foreign trade> Intrastat parametersto open the Foreign trade parametersform. In the form, define the parameters for handling the Intrastat and EU sales lists.
For more information, see "Foreign trade parameters (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Click Basic> Setup> Foreign trade> Commodity codesto open the Commodity codeform. In the form, define the commodity code for the items that the company buys from or sells to EU countries.
For more information, see "Commodity code (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Click Basic> Setup> Foreign trade> Transaction codesto open the Transaction codeform. In the form, define the transaction codes for Intrastat reporting.
For more information, see "Transaction code (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Click Basic> Setup> Foreign trade> Transport methodto open the Transport methodform. In the form, define the transport methods for Intrastat reporting.
For more information, see "Transport method (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Click Basic> Setup> Foreign trade> Portto open the Portform. In the form, define the ports for Intrastat reporting.
For more information, see "Port (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Click Basic> Setup> Foreign trade> Statistics procedureto open the Statistics procedureform. In the form, define the statistical procedures for Intrastat reporting.
For more information, see "Statistics procedure (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.