In accordance with Hungarian accounting rules, companies must use a two-step acquisition process. The first step involves collection of the invested expense amount into fixed asset procurement. This process does not influence the book value of the fixed asset. The actual acquisition of the asset is the second step. During this process, the collected expense amount is activated for the fixed asset, and the status of the asset becomes Activated.
To use this feature, select the Pre-acquisition operations for Hungary and Czech Republic (PreAcquisition_W) configuration key.
Click General ledger> Setup> Parametersto open the General ledger parametersform.
Click the Fixed assetstab.
In the Allow pre-acquisitionsfield, select the pre-acquisition operation to be performed on a fixed asset.
Select Allow multiple acquisitioncheck box to allow pre-acquisition operations to be performed on a fixed asset.
If this check box is not selected, an error message is displayed.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.