For a sales order, you can post separate packing slips with credit corrections.
Click Accounts receivable> Common Forms> Sales Order Details.
Press CTRL+N to create a sales order and enter the required details.
For more information, see "Sales orders (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Click Posting> Packing slipto open the Posting packing slipform.
Click OKto post the packing slip.
In the Sales orderform, click the Quantitytab.
In the Deliver nowfield, enter the corrected amount.
Click Posting> Packing slipto post the packing slip correction.
On the Othertab, select the Credit correctioncheck box to do the following:
Reverse a debit transaction by adding a minus debit transaction to the Packing slipledger account that is set up by using Inventory management> Setup> Posting> Posting> Sales order.
Reverse a credit transaction by adding a minus credit transaction to the Packing slip offsetledger account that is set by up using Inventory management> Setup> Posting> Posting> Sales order.
Click OKto post the packing slip.