Bank> Reports> Transactions> Foreign payments via foreign banks

If a company that operates in Latvia receives payments from a foreign bank and deposits these payments into another foreign bank, or makes payments from a foreign bank, the company must report these payments on a monthly basis if their value exceeded a certain amount of Latvian Lats. This regulatory limit is established and adjusted periodically by the Latvian Central Bank. You can use the Statement of foreign payments via foreign banksto print a report for this purpose.

Task that uses this form

Navigating the form

Note Note

For information about creating reports, see "Reporting" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





For information about the Generaltab, see "Enter information on the General tab" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.


For information about the Batchtab, see "Prepare batch processing on the Batch tab" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.





Open the Statement of foreign payments via foreign banks – Reportform to select or modify the required details, if needed. You can also reset the amount criterion specified by the Latvian Central Bank for a particular period of time.

Note Note

You must select or modify the Responsible, Month, and Yearfields before you click Select.





Select or modify the code of the employee who is responsible for submitting the Statement of foreign payments received via foreign banksreport.


Select or modify the month to submit the report.


Select or modify the year of submission for the report.

Bank accounts

The information displayed in this section is determined by the selections you make for bank accounts, when preparing the report.

Bank transactions

The information displayed in this section is determined by the selections you make for bank transactions, when preparing the report.

Current options

The information displayed in this section is determined by your selections when you set up the printing options.

See Also