You can journalize and then view settlement transactions and prepayment reversal transactions for vendors.

  1. Click Administration> Setup> System> Configurationto open the Configurationform.

  2. Expand the General ledgernode, and then select the Journalizingcheck box.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Click Accounts payable> Setup> Parametersto open the Accounts payable parametersform.

  5. Click the Ledger and Sales taxtab, and select the Reverse on an invoice datecheck box to activate journalizing of prepayment reversal transactions for vendors.

  6. Press CTRL+S or close the form.

  7. Click Accounts payable> Common Forms> Vendor Details> Transactionsto open the Vendor transactionsform.

  8. Select a vendor transaction, and click Transactions on settlementto open the Transactions on settlementform and view the transactions that were created during the settlement.

  9. Press CTRL+S or close the form.

See Also