The MultiCash system includes a bank-Giro format to transfer domestic payments in domestic (HUF) currency and another format to payments in foreign currencies. Generating payments is similar to the standard functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX. When you create payments, the payment file in the required format is generated, according to the selected currency code.

  1. Click Accounts payable> Journals> Payments> Payment journal> Linesto open the Journal voucherform.

  2. In the Company accountsfield, select the company account.

  3. In the Accountfield, select the account.

  4. In the Transaction textfield, select the transaction text.

  5. In the Debitor Creditfield, enter the amount.

  6. In the Offset account typefield, select the offset account.

  7. In the Offset accountfield, select the bank account.

  8. Click Functions> Generate paymentsto open the Generate paymentsform.

  9. In the Export formatfield, select MCash (HU).

  10. In the Bank accountfield, select the bank account for payment.

  11. Click Dialogto open the MCash (HU)form, and select the domestic currency in the currency field.

  12. Select the In home currencycheck box.

    Note Note

    When this check box is selected, the export file has an ".ung" file name extension and contains only the payment vouchers in HUF currency. Otherwise, the file name extension is ".hua" and the export file contains only payment vouchers in EUR or DEM currency.

  13. In the Processing datefield, select the payment processing date.

  14. In the File namefield, select the file name for the payment file.

  15. Click OKto close the form.

  16. Click OKto generate the payment file.

    Note Note

    The export file has an ".ung" file name extension, and contains only those payment vouchers with a positive credit amount in HUF currency.

  17. Press CTRL+S or close the form.

See Also