You can set up parameters for EU (European Union) sales. EU sales list is a summary of the VAT-related transactions with the EU.
Click Basic> Setup> Foreign trade> Intrastat parameters.
Click the EU sales listtab, in the EU Sales list, Tax calculationfield, and then select the method to be used to calculate the tax.
Select the EU Sales list by date of VAT registercheck box to record the sales transaction according to the date of VAT registration.
In the Company namefield and the Company name appendixfield, enter the company data for EU sales reporting.
In the Tax exempt numberfield, enter the company tax exempt number.
In the Authorityfield, select the account number of the sales tax authority.
In the Street No., Street name, Municipality number, City, ZIP/Postal code, and Country/regionfields, enter the appropriate data.
In the Authorized byfield, select the code name of the employee who is authorized to report the EU sales list.
In the Rolefield, select the role of the authorized employee.
In the Filled byfield, select the code number of the employee who is authorized to fill in the details in the EU sales list.
Click Initialize parametersto open Initialize parameters, and then click OKto initialize the parameter settings.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.