Fixed assets> Setup> Value models


General ledger> Setup> Deferrals> Value models

Use this form to create fixed asset value models, tax accounting models, and accounting models for deferred expenses. The value model is defined to create transactions in the general ledger for various accounting tasks, such as tax and business transactions.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Create fixed asset value, tax accounting, and accounting models for deferred expenses.


View or modify the value model details.


View the dimension values of the voucher for specified value model.

Note Note

This tab and the following tabs are available only if you open the form in the Fixed assets module.

FA Derived value models

Attach other value models to the value model that is selected on the Overviewtab.


Map the value model to a company account.




Depreciation groups

Open the Depreciation groupsform to create asset depreciation groups for the selected value model.

Note Note

This button is available only if you open the form in the Fixed assets module.

Deferrals groups

Open the Deferrals groupsform to create deferrals groups.

Note Note

This button is available only if you open the form in the General ledger module.




Value model

Enter the code for identification of the value model.

Note Note

This field is available only if you open the form in the Fixed assets module.

Model number

Enter the deferrals model number.

Note Note

This field is available only if you open the form in the General ledger module.


Enter the name of the value model.

Posting layer

Select the posting layer for value model transactions from the following options:

  • Current

  • Operations

  • Tax


Select the currency for the selected value model.

Note Note

This field and the following fields are available only if you open the form in the Fixed assets module.


Enter the number of decimal points that the voucher amount should be rounded to.

Posting profile

Select the posting profile for the selected value model.

Depreciation bonus percent

Enter the depreciation bonus percentage for the fixed asset in the selected value model.


The dimension value for the department.

Cost center

The dimension value for the cost center.


The dimension value for the purpose.

( FA Derived value models tab) Value model

Select the derived value model.

Transaction type

Select the transaction type for the derived value model from the following options:

  • Depreciation

  • Depreciation Revaluation

  • Major repairs

  • Cost revaluation

  • Currency cost revaluate

  • Currency depreciation revaluate

  • Others

Company accounts ID

Select the company account that you want to map to the value model.

( Maptab) Value model

Select the value model.

See Also