Use the Sales tax groupsform to set up sales tax groups (TG) for customers and vendors when you register advances. The taxes included in the sales tax group pertain to the customer or vendor, rather than to an item.

  1. Click General ledger> Setup> Sales tax> Sales tax groupsto open the Sales tax groupsform.

  2. Press CTRL+N to create a new line, and enter the required details.

    Note Note

    For more information, see "Set up and use a sales tax group" and "Sales tax groups (form)" in the Application and Business Processes help.

  3. In the Sales tax groupfield, enter a sales tax group code.

  4. In the Descriptionfield, enter a name that describes the sales tax group.

  5. In the Sales tax group setupfield, select Sales tax codes.

    Note Note

    Sales tax jurisdictionis selected only if the company conducts business in the United States of America.

  6. In the Rounding byfield, select the adjustment criteria for the sales tax code from the following options:

    • Sales tax codes– The tax amount is determined for every line. It is then added up for every tax code.

    • Sales tax code combinations– Tax amounts are arranged in groups for all lines with the same tax codes, and then the tax amounts are adjusted.

  7. Click the Setuptab, and then press CTRL+N to create a new line and specify all the tax codes to be included in the new sales tax group.

    Note Note

    The same tax code can be included in several sales tax groups.

  8. Press CTRL+S or close the form.

    Note Note

    Click General ledger> Setup> Sales tax> Sales tax codes> Inquiries> Included in sales tax groupsto see which tax codes are included in each sales tax group.

See Also