To determine the transport tax base for each vehicle, you must obtain summarized accounting data from each independent subdivision of the company that maintains its own balance sheet.
Use the Tax register journalform to calculate the tax total and the amount of required advance tax payments. The tax base calculation criteria for vehicles includes:
Engine power in horsepower.
Jet thrust in kg.
Gross tonnage in vessel tons.
Certain assets in 1 unit.
All fixed assets whose cards contain the Transport tax codeand display Vehicleas the fixed asset type are included in the transport tax calculation. If the fixed asset is written off or sold during the accounting period, the data for the month in which the write-off or sale was completed is used in the tax calculation.
To create a transport tax declaration, these registers must be calculated and approved in the journal:
Vehicle – tax calculation– Tax is calculated in this register as transport tax for every fixed asset on the basis of the tax code settings, tax benefits, service period, and tax base.
Transport tax– Tax is calculated for every tax code and RCOAD.
Click Fixed assets> Common Forms> Tax Register Journal.
Press CTRL+N to create a new journal.
In the Journal numberfield, enter the unique tax registry journal number. By default, this field displays the number from the number sequence set up in the Fixed Asset Parametersform.
In the Period type, Period number, and Yearsfields, specify the period for which the journal will be created.
Click Linesto create the register journal lines.
Click Yesin the Register journal generationdialog box to create register lines with the Not Calculatedstatus.
Select the Vehicle – tax calculationregister line, and then click Register calculation> Calculate current.
Select the Transport taxregister line, and then click Register calculation> Calculate current.
After calculation, the status of the registers is displayed as Calculatedin the Statusfield.
Select the Approvedcheck box to approve the register.
In the Employeefield, view or modify the code of the employee who approved the register.
Click Register linesto open the Register linesform to view the register lines after calculation.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
When you create a journal for the year in the Transport taxregister, the advance payments total that was paid for the previous accounting periods is calculated. If the journals for these periods were not created, the advance payments total for the previous accounting periods can be entered manually.