For a purchase order, you can post separate packing slips that have credit corrections.
Click Accounts payable> Common Forms> Purchase Order Details.
Press CTRL+N to create a purchase order, and then enter the required details.
For more information, see "Purchase orders (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Click Posting> Packing slipto open the Posting packing slipform.
In the Packing slipfield, enter the packing slip number.
Click OKto post the packing slip.
In the Purchase orderform, click the Quantitytab.
In the Receive nowfield, enter the corrected amount.
Click Posting> Packing slipto post the packing slip correction.
On the Othertab, select the Credit correctioncheck box to do the following:
Reverse a debit transaction by adding a minus debit transaction to the Packing slipledger account that is set up by using Inventory management> Setup> Posting> Posting> Purchase order.
Reverse a credit transaction by adding a minus credit transaction to the Packing slip offsetledger account that is set up by using Inventory management> Setup> Posting> Posting> Purchase order.
In the Packing slipfield, enter the packing slip number.
Click OKto post the packing slip.