The M-7 report is generated when posting a purchase order if the actual quantity or quality of goods received deviates from the purchase documentation.
You can use the Posting packing slipform to generate the M-7 report. The format of the report is based on a Microsoft Office Excel template.
Click Accounts payable> Common Forms> Purchase Order Details.
Press CTRL+N to create a purchase order, and enter the required information.
For more information, see "Create a purchase order" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Click Posting> Packing slipto open the Posting packing slipform.
Select the Print reimbursement slip/receipts ordercheck box.
In the lower pane, in the Packing slipfield, enter a packing slip number.
On the Line detailstab, in the Updatefield, view or modify the quantity of the items ordered in the inventory unit.
In the Deviationfield, enter the deviation from the actual quantity of the item ordered from the warehouse.
If the shipment documents show a greater amount than the actual amount delivered to the warehouse, enter the amount in the Deviationfield with the minus sign (-). If the shipment documents show a smaller amount than the amount delivered to the warehouse, enter the amount in the Deviationfield with the plus sign (+).
Click OKto generate the M-7 report.
Click Accounts payable> Common Forms> Purchase Order Details> Inquiries> Packing slip
Accounts payable> Inquiries> Journals> Packing slip.
Select the journal line, and then click Preview/Print> Reimbursement slip/Receipts orderto open the Print reimbursement slip/receipts orderform.
Click OKto generate an M-7 report that displays the details of the document form.
For more information, see "Purchase packing slip journal (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.