Fixed Assets> Inquiries> Budget transactions


Fixed assets> Common Forms> Fixed assets> Value models> Budget transactions

A budget model represents a collection of planned turnovers for specific accounts and periods. You can use budget models to create financial budgets and current budgets for fixed assets. Use this form to view information about asset budget transactions.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





View the budget model details for fixed assets.


View the budget model details for the fixed asset selected in the Overviewtab.




Ledger budget

Open the Ledger budgetform to view the corresponding budget transactions in the ledger.

Transfer budgets

Post the fixed asset budget transactions to the ledger.

Note Note

This button will be active only for the transactions with Posting statusas Posted to asset budgets.




Posting status

The posting status of the budget transaction:

  • Unposted– The transaction is created in the fixed assets budget journal and is yet to be posted.

  • Posted to asset budgets– The transaction is posted in the fixed asset budget journal.

  • Posted to ledger budget– The fixed asset budget transaction is posted to the general ledger.

Transaction date

The date of the fixed asset budget transaction.

Transaction type

The type of the fixed asset budget transaction.

FA number

The identification number of the fixed asset.

Budget model

The code of the fixed asset budget model.

Value model

The value model with which the fixed asset budget transaction was created.

Amount currency

The budget amount in transaction currency.


The currency used for the budget transaction.


The description for the current transaction.

Ledger account

The general ledger account number for posting the transaction.

Offset account

The offset account number for posting the transaction.

See Also