Inventory management> Setup> Natural resources tax report setup

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





View or modify the tax on natural resources.


View or modify the tax on natural resources entered in the Overviewtab, if required.




Form number

Select or modify the tax on natural resources report form number from the following options:

  • Form 2– Displays information about the use of natural resources and any generation of environment pollution within the reporting period.

  • Form 3– Displays information about the tax on natural resources calculated for goods that were imported or produced by the company and sold in Latvia for the first time.

Note Note

Tax must also be calculated on imported or self-produced goods that are used internally. Tax on natural resources must also be calculated for packaging materials used to package goods that were sold within the reporting period.

Line type

Select the line type. The options are Header, Line, and Total.

Sequence number

Modify the default sequence number for program-internal loop-counter variables, if needed.

Line code

Enter the natural resources tax report line.


Enter a brief description of the transaction.

Total line code

Enter the total line code.


Displays the warehouse code.

Note Note

This field is editable only when you select Line in the Line typefield.

Sales tax code

Select the code that identifies the sales tax.

Packing material code

Select the code that identifies the packing material.

See Also