Use the cash reimbursement slip for cash receipt operations and the cash disbursement slip for cash expenditure operations.

  1. Click Bank> Journals> Slip journal.

  2. Press CTRL+N to create a new journal header, and enter the required details.

    Note Note

    For more information, see the section "Journal header (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.

  3. Click Linesto open the Journal voucherform.

  4. In the Datefield, enter the date of the transaction.

  5. In the Accountfield, select a cash account. The cash account specified in the Bank Parametersform is used by default.

  6. In the Transaction textfield, enter explanatory text about the transaction.

  7. Enter a cash document amount in the Debitfield to register cash receipts, or enter a cash document amount in the Creditfield to register cash expenditures.

    Note Note

    When you enter an amount for the cash document, a document type is displayed in the Document typefield. Cash reimbursement slipis displayed if you enter an amount in the Debitfield. Cash disbursement slipis displayed if you enter an amount in the Creditfield.

  8. Enter the required details in the journal line.

  9. Click Validateto validate the journal entries.

  10. Click Documents approval> Confirmto confirm the journal line entry.

    Note Note

    The Approval statusis updated to Confirmed.

  11. Click Documents approval> Approveto approve the journal line entry.

    Note Note

    The Approval statusis updated to Approved.

  12. Click Post> Postto post the journal.

  13. Click Print (b)> Cash orderto print the cash slip.

See Also