You can change the status of a packing slip indirectly while posting a correction to the packing slip, or you can change the status manually in the Packing slip journalform. The status determines which packing slip is included in the Packing slip registration journal.

  1. Click Accounts payable> Inquiries> Journal> Packing slipto open the Packing slip journalform. The status of the packing slip is displayed in the Document statusfield.

  2. Select the packing slip to be changed and click Change document statusto open the Document statusform.

  3. In the New document statusfield, select the new status from the following options:

    • Blank– Normal packing slip.

    • Cancelled– The packing slip was posted with incorrect details.

    • Broken– The correcting packing slip.

  4. Click OKto apply the status change and return to the Packing slip journalform.

  5. Press CTRL+S or close the form.

See Also