You can define the parameters for the staff count distributed over wages report in the Report templates optionsform. In this form, you can specify how the relationships between the employee time codes and the time groups for time actually worked, non-paid vacation time, sick lists, downtime, and part-time work are defined. All parameters are mandatory. After you set up the parameters, you can print the report. The report is generated as a Microsoft Office Excel document.
Click Staff accounting> Setup> Template reportsto open the Report templates optionsform.
In the Reportfield, select the report format as Head count distributed over wages.
In the Parameter namefield, select the parameters for the staff count distributed over wages report. You can select the corresponding value for the selected parameter in the Parameter valuefield. Define the following parameters for the report:
Gross wage– Select the wages fund that includes all necessary additions and income tax deductions.
Group for work time– Select the time group for time worked by employees.
Group for non-paid vacation time– Select the time group for an employee's unpaid vacation.
The time codes for these employees are included in the selected time group for the reporting period.
Maximal quantity of days for vacations without payment– Select the rate code for the maximum quantity of vacation days that can be taken without payment.
Those employees whose time codes are included in the Group for non-paid vacation timeare excluded from the report, if the number of vacation days of these employees is greater than the rate specified in the Maximal quantity of days for vacations without payment.
Inability time group– Select the time group for sick lists that includes sick leave, maternity leave, and child-rearing leave. Those employees whose time codes are included in this time group for the reporting period are excluded from the report.
Time group for down times not through the fault of employee– Select the time group for downtime that is not the fault of an employee.
Maximal quantity of days for down times– Select the rate code for the maximum quantity of downtime days.
Those employees whose time codes are included in the Time group for down times not through the fault of employeeare excluded from the report, if the number of downtime days of these employees is greater than the rate specified in the Maximal quantity of days for down timesfield.
Time group for part-time work on administration's initiative– Select the time group for employees who work part-time because of administrative decisions. These employees have time codes for at least one day or hour included in the selected time group for the reporting period.
Maximal quantity of hours not worked by an employee– Select the rate code for the maximum quantity of hours not worked by employees.
Those employees whose time codes are included in the Time group for part-time work on administration's initiativeare excluded from the report, if the number of non-work hours is greater than the rate specified in the Maximal quantity of hours not worked by an employee.
Workers– Select the payroll group for employees who hold a primary position.
Wages distribution rate– Select the wages distribution rate that indicates wage limits for the report.
You can select only the rates with Criteriavalue type that is defined in the Ratesform.
Amount of benefit (minimum wage)– Select the minimum wages rate.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.