Staff accounting> Staff administration> Periodic> Vacation schedule> Lines

The vacation schedule is a free schedule that contains information on the time allocated for employee's annual paid vacation per month for all company divisions over the calendar year. Use this form to create a vacation schedule line.

Task that uses this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Enter or view the vacation schedule line details for employees.


View or modify the vacation schedule line selected in the Overviewtab.


Enter or view the note details.




Formation year

The year in which the vacation schedule is created.

Document number

The unique document number of the vacation schedule.

Note Note

This field is automatically filled in according to the number series assigned for vacation schedules.

Formation date

The vacation schedule creation date.


Select or view the employee code.

Type of vacation

Select or view the type of vacation.

Start date

Select or view the starting date of the vacation.

Quantity of days

Enter or view the number of days of the vacation.

Finish date

This field is automatically filled in depending on the vacation start date and the number of vacation days.


Select the days on which vacation is granted from the following options:

  • Work-days

  • calendar days

Transferred date

Select the date of vacation transfer by an employee.

Employee name

The name of the employee.

By staff list

Indicates whether the selected employee is accepted as per staff list structure.

Note Note

This field is automatically activated depending on the employee code selected.


The division where the employee works.

Note Note

This field is automatically populated depending on the employee code selected.


The employee's position.

Note Note

This field is populated automatically depending on the employee code selected.


The employee's position category.

Note Note

This field is populated automatically depending on the employee code selected.


The description of the vacation type.

Argument number

Enter the vacation transferable document argument number.

Argument date

Select the vacation transferable document argument date.


Enter or view the notes for the vacation schedule.

See Also