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Staff accounting> Income tax> Income data register

Use this form to create an income data register for an employee. The register is used to generate annual returns for submittal to the tax authorities.

Task that uses this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Enter details about a new register to track income data for an employee.


View the name of the XML file that contains income tax details.


View details about the employees who are responsible for creating the report.


Enter details about those employees for whom a register containing income and deducted taxes data has been created.

View file

View the path given in the Directoryfield.




Create register

Create the income data register in the specified catalog.

Note Note

The generated file will contain employee data, including information on income received, discounts allowed, and taxes deducted.

Create a file

Create a file in the specified catalog. The file contains employee data, including information on income received, discounts allowed, and taxes deducted.

Print (b)

Open the following menu items:

  • Form 2 - NDFL– Print the Form 2 - NDFLreport.

  • Natural persons' income data register– Print the Natural persons' income data registerreport.

Open selected document

Open the path identified in the Directoryfield.




Calculation period

Enter the reporting period for which the income data register must be submitted.

Register number

Enter the register number of the documents.

Presentation date

Enter the report submission date to the tax authorities.


Enter the complete path for the generated file.

Documents quantity

The number of documents.

Note Note

This field is populated automatically and is equal to the number of employees entered in the register structure.

File name

The complete path and name of the file.


The name of the field of the report in which the data is entered.

Employee name

The surname, name, and middle name of the employee responsible for creating the report.

Job title

The job title of the employee responsible for creating the report.

Inquiry number

Enter the NDFL Inquiry number for the employee.

Tax rate

Select the tax rate code used as a reference.


Select the employee identification number.

Employee name

The employee name depending on the employee identification number selected.


The amount of the employee's income for the tax period, based on the income group.

Tax imposed

Enter the accrued tax for the employee for the tax period, based on the income group.

Tax deducted

The deducted tax for the employee for the tax period, based on the income group.

Transfered tax

The transferred tax for the employee for the tax period, based on the income group.

Income group code

Income group code for the employee.

See Also