Calculation procedures are a set of sequences that define the rules and calculation order for the salary calculation of an employee. They are processed separately for specific accruals and deductions.
You can use calculation procedures as input data or output data for other procedures that are interdependent. You can also group calculation procedures, and define a processing order for them. Procedures are usually added to groups that are independent of one another. To organize the dependency of procedures in a group, a hierarchy setting is used for the calculation procedures.
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You must activate the configuration keys to use the calculation procedures in Staff accounting. |
Set up the
calculation procedure groups
The calculation procedures can be processed in ascending order of the procedure group numbers. To organize the dependency of procedures in a group, establish a hierarchy setup. For example, calculation procedures for basic accruals, including basic wages, vacation, and sick pay, might be included in the first group. Raises that are dependent on these accruals might be in the second group, the calculation of income tax for private individuals might be in the third group, and other deductions, such as fines or maintenance, might be in the final group.
Click Staff accounting> Setup> Calculation> Calculation procedure groupsto open the Calculation procedure groupsform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new calculation procedure group.
The Group codefield is automatically populated with the next group number in the sequence.
In the Descriptionfield, enter a description of the procedure group.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Set up
calculation procedures
You can use the Calculation proceduresform to set up various calculation procedures. Calculation procedures are either automatic or manual. When you activate certain configuration keys in Staff accounting, you can generate calculation procedures automatically. The configuration keys include the following:
Employee average earned calculation
Business trip calculation
By-worker correction
Contract calculation
Standard deductions
Periodical payments
Tax calculations
Time Sheet
Vacation payment calculation
Click Staff accounting> Setup> Calculation> Calculation procedures
Staff accounting> Setup> Calculation> Calculation procedure groups> Calculation procedures.
Press CTRL+N to create a new calculation procedure.
In the Group codefield, select the calculation procedure group to which the calculation procedure must be exported.
Calculation procedures of the same hierarchy can be processed in any order. Calculation procedures that relate to several groups are calculated sequentially.
In the Procedure codefield, enter the group code identifier for the general calculation procedure.
In the Namefield, enter the name of the general calculation procedure.
By default, for a newly created line, Not calculatedwill be displayed in the Calculation statusfield, on the Generaltab. Depending on the calculation status of the procedure, this field is displayed as either Calculatedor Exclude.
Select the Delete previous calculationcheck box to delete the data from the previous calculation, before starting the new calculation.
When you calculate procedures for the second and subsequent calculation dates in a calculation period, the salary lines that have been calculated on the previous calculation date will be deleted, and new salary lines on the current calculation date will be created.
In the Main group codefield, select the main procedure that the selected sub-procedure belongs to.
You can define the order of processing a specific procedure. For example, the main calculation procedure might not be calculated until all subordinate procedures are calculated.
Click the Calculation ordertab to view a list of all calculation procedure groups, sorted by their group codes.
The set of calculation procedures that belong to each group will be displayed here. You can also change the hierarchical order of the procedures and the linking of procedures to a certain main group, without resetting the setup on the Overviewand Generaltabs.
For this, you must select a procedure and then drag and drop it to another group or procedure. This will automatically modify the values for the Group codeand Main groupfields on the Overviewand Generaltabs.
Click Sequencesto open the Sequence of calculationform, and view the calculation sequences used by the current procedure.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Click Queryto open Employee average earned calculationform, and then specify the calculation criteria for each procedure.
For example, you can specify the employees to be included in or excluded from the calculation procedure.
Press CTRL+S or close the Employee average earned calculationform.
Press CTRL+S or close the Calculation proceduresform.
Set up
calculation sequences
A calculation sequence defines the calculation order of the necessary values for the pay types and counters. You can use the Sequence of calculationform for this purpose. However, you can use a particular sequence for only one calculation procedure.
Click Staff accounting> Setup> Calculation> Sequences
Staff accounting> Setup> Calculation> Calculation procedure groups> Calculation procedures> Sequences
Staff accounting> Setup> Calculation> Calculation procedures> Sequences.
In the Procedure codefield, select the calculation procedure for which you are creating a new calculation sequence.
If you open this form from the Calculation proceduresform, the code for the selected calculation procedure will automatically be displayed. In this case, you cannot select any other calculation procedure.
Press CTRL+N to create a new calculation sequence.
In the Sequencefield, view or modify a unique identifier for the calculation sequence.
When you create a new calculation sequence, this field is populated automatically with the next number in the sequence. When you start a calculation procedure, the sequences that relate to it are calculated in ascending order, according to their codes.
In the Namefield, enter a description for the calculation sequence.
Click Countersto open the Counter setupform, and then set up the calculation method for a created counter.
Press CTRL+S or close the Counter setupform.
Press CTRL+S or close the Sequence of calculationform.
Set up
A counter is a structural unit of a calculation method. You can enter formulas for calculating pay types in these counters. Counters are calculated according to the calculation method that is set for them. Although you can specify the values of pay types manually, counters receive their values while a calculation is being processed. The result of a calculation can be saved in the counter and is reflected in the pay type.
Click Staff accounting> Setup> Calculation> Sequences
Staff accounting> Setup> Calculation> Calculation procedure groups> Calculation procedures> Sequences
Staff accounting> Setup> Calculation> Calculation procedures> Sequences.
Select the calculation procedure that a sequence was created for, and that you set up a calculation method for. Then click Sequencesto select a sequence for the selected calculation procedure.
Click Countersto open the Counter setupform.
Alternatively, you can also open the form from Staff accounting> Setup> Calculation> Counters. However, when you open the form from this locator, the counter that you create will not be attached to the calculation procedure and the calculation sequence. You can use these counters as the values of rates with a counter value type.
Press CTRL+N to create a new counter.
The Sequencefield is automatically populated with the number of the sequence that was selected in the Sequence of calculationform. The counter is linked with a defined calculation procedure.
In the Counterfield, enter a unique identifier for the counter.
In the Namefield, enter a description of the code.
In the Pay typefield, select the pay type to be used to include the calculated counter value.
Click the Overviewtab in the lower pane.
Press CTRL+N to create a new line and enter the required details about the calculation.
In the Criteria Tofield, specify the condition for calculating the current counter line. This value depends on the value of the counter that was calculated on the previous line.
Select the Zerocheck box to specify whether the current counter value should be set to zero.
The value is set to zero if the conditions that are specified for the current counter value in the Criteria Tofield are satisfied.
Select the Stopcheck box to specify whether the calculation of the current counter should be stopped.
The counter calculation will be stopped if the conditions that are specified for the current counter value in the Criteria Tofield are satisfied.
Select the Skipcheck box to specify whether the calculation of the current counter line should be skipped to the next line according to the serial number.
The current calculation will be skipped if the conditions that are specified for the current counter value in the Criteria Tofield are satisfied.
In the Line typefield, select the calculation method parameters from the list of line type options. Depending on the selected line type, the options in the list will change in the Fromand Tofields.
You can run the calculation method parameters based on the entities that correspond with the line types, such as pay types, rates, funds, time codes, and time groups. To do so, you must specify the corresponding interval in the Fromand Tofields. The value that is returned for all entities that are specified for corresponding line types is aggregated, and future mathematical operations will be run using this total.
For more information on line type options, see (RUS) About counter calculation line types.
In the Periodfield, select the period that the value of the selected parameter is calculated for. You can select the period field as No, Month, Quarter, Half-year, Years, or Accumulated in total.
These fields are used together with the Indexfield.
In the Indexfield, select or enter the values from the following options, based on the requirement:
-1– Indicates previous period.
0– Indicates current period.
1– Indicates next period.
In the Specificationfield, specify the method of totaling values for the selected period from the following options:
Period only– The values for the period defined in the Periodand Indexfields are added.
From period– The values for the period from the start of the period, as defined in the Periodand Indexfields, to the current calculation period, are added.
From employment– The values for the period from the date of hire to the current calculation period are added.
In the Line criteriafield, specify the condition placed on amount of the current line to process the operation. If the condition is not met, the operator will not be processed and the current counter value will remain unchanged.
In the Operatorfield, specify the mathematical operator for the expression as +, -, *, or /.
If the operator is not specified, the value of the current line will be used as a parameter for the following line.
In the Sequence numberfield, view or modify the sequence number.
This field is automatically populated with the next number in the sequence. When you enter values in the Fromand Next linefields, this number is used to sort counter lines, for the Calculation lineand Line totalcounter line types.
In the Next linefield, select or modify the number of the line from which the counter calculation will continue.
The value of the Next linefield defines the sequence of action in the calculation method.
Click the Generaltab.
In the Maximumand Minimumfields, view or modify the maximum and minimum values of the result for the line.
These values define the interval of available values for the result.
In the Roundingfield, select the rounding method for the line as Up/Down, Down, or Up.
In the Precisionfield, enter the precision value for the rounding.
Click Dependenciesto open the Dependenciesform and view information about the counter or statistics statement that uses a particular counter.
Press CTRL+S to close the Dependenciesform.
Press CTRL+S to close the Counter setupform.