The following topic provides information about setting up employee records and forms.

(RUS) Setting up data for entering employee information

Employee setup and maintenance forms

The following table lists the forms that support setting up and maintaining employee records and forms. The table entries are organized by task and then alphabetically by form name.

Note Note

You may require additional information or specific parameter settings in order to navigate to some of these forms.

For more information about setup and maintenance tasks, see the System and Application Setup Guide.


Form name


Setting up data for entering employee information

Bonus types (form)

Set up codes for the incentives offered to employees within your company.

Codes of languages (form)

Set up codes to define the language proficiency of the employees in your company.

Degrees (form)

Set up information about degrees earned by an employee.

Document-argument names (form)

Set up codes for the original documents that are used in the Document-argumentsform.

Education (form)

Set up information about an employee's education.

Employees (form)

Enter additional employee information, for calculation of sick lists, severance pay, and other personnel issues.

Evaluation results (form)

Set up codes to document the decisions made by the evaluation committee after an employee is evaluated.

Journal names (form)

Define names for different types of resolution journals, such as recruiting, transfer, dismissal, bonus, vacation, business trip, and changing staff list.

Marital status (form)

Create codes to indicate the marital status of an employee, and to define rates for tax deduction based on the marital status.

Military groups (form)

Create a military group code.

Military offices (form)

Create a military office code.

Military ranks (form)

Create a military rank code.

Nationality (form)

Set up nationality codes for the employees within your company.

Privileges (form)

Set up codes corresponding to employee benefits.

Reason codes (form)

Set up codes that correspond to reasons for transfer or dismissal of an employee.

Text fields (form)

Set up the corresponding text field types for the additional information entered about employees in the Employeesform.

Vacation types (form)

Set up codes for the types of vacation taken by an employee, and then use these details in vacation resolutions.

Violation codes (form)

Set up codes that indicate violations of law.