This setting allows you to display an ID for an unknown table error when the Dexterity Database Management Subsystem encounters one. The ID that's displayed can be used to determine the cause of the error.
DisplayTableErrors = option
• option - A string that indicates whether the DisplayTableErrors setting is activated:
Value |
Description |
Displays all table errors that do not map to a Dexterity error (unknown errors). |
Displays all table errors except the two most common: “duplicate” and “not found”. |
Displays all table errors for an open operation. |
Unknown table errors typically occur at the operating system level, where the runtime engine is unable to trap the error and display the proper dialog. These errors will cause the message “A table operation caused an unknown error” to appear.
To determine the cause of unknown table errors, add DisplayTableErrors to the defaults file, using the TRUE parameter to activate the setting. When your application is running, a dialog box will open if a table error occurs, displaying the message “Unknown Error = number”, where number indicates the error that occurred. If this occurs, contact Technical Support and indicate table error number that's displayed.