

This setting allows you to define a default value to appear in the Data Source field of Dexterity's predefined SQL Login window.


SQLDataSource = data_source_name


data_source_name - The name of the data source to connect to.


This setting causes the specified data source name to appear in the Data Source field in Dexterity's SQL Login window. A user may choose another value from the drop-down list, should he or she want to connect to a different data source.

The SQLDataSource setting won’t affect a login window you create unless you use the Defaults_Read() function and the set statement to make this setting’s value appear as the default value for the data source field.

Data source names are assigned using the ODBC Administrator tool when setting up the ODBC drivers. Refer to your ODBC Administrator's guide for more information on setting up the ODBC drivers. Users can connect only to data sources defined using the ODBC drivers on the current computer, since the ODBC drivers reside on the client.

If this setting isn’t included in the defaults file, Dexterity will add the SQLLastDataSource setting to the file, and set the value to the name of the most recently accessed data source. That value will then appear as the default in the predefined Login window the next time that window is used on the current computer.

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