

The DblClickHit command is recorded when a user double-clicks a node in a tree view field or an item in a list view field.


DblClickHit field field_ID [ item node_index # node_label level | item item_index # label ]


field_ID - The name of the tree view field containing the node.

• One of the following clauses is included, depending on whether the field was a tree view or a list view:

item node_index # node_label level - This clause is included if the field was a tree view field. The node_index parameter is an integer indicating the order the node appears in the field. The first node’s index is 1, the second node’s index is 2, and so forth. The index is based on a count of all nodes in the tree view field, regardless of whether the nodes are currently visible. The node_label parameter is a string indicating the text label applied to the node. The level parameter is an integer indicating the node's hierarchical level, 1 for root-level nodes, 2 for their children, and so forth.

The node index is NOT related to the node ID assigned to individual nodes.

item item_index # label - This clause is included if the field was a list view field. The item_index parameter is an integer indicating the item selected in the field. In the current release, the value 0 is always used. The label parameter is a string indicating the text label applied to the item. In the current release, this parameter will always be empty.

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