Native Picture Definition window


Allows you to enter native pictures in the dictionary. Native pictures are pictures that are native to the operating system in which they're created, such as Microsoft bitmap (.BMP) images. In Dexterity, native pictures are used as the icons displayed on push buttons, button drop lists and visual switches. Native pictures can be displayed only in the operating system in which they were created. This window also allows you to synchronize two native pictures from different operating systems, so that the appropriate picture will be used for each operating system. Refer to the following topic for more information about native pictures:


To display this window

From the menu bar: To create a new native picture, point to New in the Explorer menu and choose Native Picture. To view an existing native picture, point to View in the Explorer menu and choose Native Pictures. Select one in the list and click the Open button in the Resource Explorer.

From the Resource Explorer: Choose Native Pictures in the Base group for the current dictionary. To create a new native picture, click the New button in the Resource Explorer. To view an existing native picture, select one in the list and click the Open button in the Resource Explorer.

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