

The HelpPane_DisplayTopic() function displays the specified topic from an compiled HTML Help file in the docked help pane.


HelpPane_DisplayTopic(help_file, topic {, error_code, error_string})


help_file – A string specifying the complete path (in generic format) to the compiled HTML Help file (.chm) from which a topic will be displayed.

topic – A string or long integer that specifies the help topic to display. If a string value is used, supply the HTML filename of the topic to be displayed from the compiled help file. If a long integer value is used, supply the context number for the topic to be displayed from the compiled help file.

error_code – An optional long integer returned from the HTML Help engine that indicates what specific HTML Help error occurred. The value 0 indicates that no error was detected.

No error code is returned if you specify an invalid HTML filename for the topic to be displayed in the compiled help file.

error_string – An optional string returned from the HTML Help engine that describes the specific HTML Help error that occurred. If no error was detected, the empty string ("") is returned.

Return value

A boolean. The value true indicates the command to display the topic was successful, while false indicates it was not.

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