


The Resource_StartSeriesFill() function returns the number of resources of a specific type (forms, reports, tables or table groups) for a specified series.


Resource_StartSeriesFill(product_ID, type, series)


product_ID – An integer specifying the product ID of the dictionary from which resource information is being retrieved.

type – An integer specifying the type of resource. Use the following integer values for resource types:









Table Groups



You should consider setting up constants for each of these integer values if you plan to use this function frequently.

series – An integer specifying the series of the forms, reports, tables, or table groups for which the count will be returned. The Resource_StartSeriesFill() function will count only resources of the specified type from the series you indicate here.

The following table lists the series that can be applied to forms and reports and the series’ corresponding integer values. You apply a series to a form using the Form Definition window or to a report using the Report Definition window.


Form and report series

1 – Financial

2 – Sales

3 – Purchasing

4 – Inventory

5 – Payroll

6 – Project

7 – System

8 – Company

9 – Online Documentation

10 – 3rd Party

11 – Macro System

12 – Palette

13 – Dexterity

14 – Dexterity System

15 – Report Writer

The following table lists the series that can be applied to tables and table groups and the series’ corresponding integer values. You can apply a series to a table in the Table Definition window. You apply a series to a Table Group when you create it using Dexterity Utilities.


Table and table group series

1 – Financial

2 – Sales

3 – Purchasing

4 – Inventory

5 – Payroll

6 – Project

7 – System

8 – Company

9 – Online Documentation

10 – 3rd Party

11 – Payroll Tax

12 – Pathname

13 – Design Document

14 – Dexterity

15 – Dexterity System

16 – Report Writer

Return value

An integer containing the number of the forms, reports, tables or table groups in the specified series.


Resource_StartSeriesFill() can be used with Resource_GetInfo() to fill a list field (a field that uses a list box or drop-down list control type) with the display names of resources from a specified series. The return value can be used as a counter in a for do...end for loop to indicate how many resources should fill the list (see the following example). Then the Resource_GetInfo() function can be used to return the resource IDs and names to be used to fill a list field.

Although Resource_FillSeriesList() allows you to fill a list with the names of resources of a specified type for a given series, it simply fills the list with all resources that meet the criteria. Using Resource_StartSeriesFill() and Resource_GetInfo() allows each resource to be examined with a conditional expression and added to the list if the condition is met. This can be useful if you want to compare individual resources in a list with the contents of a user security file to determine whether the resource is accessible for the current user.

Be sure the series resource lists are up to date before you use this function. You can use the Series Resources utility in Dexterity Utilities to update series resources.

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