The following is the procedure from the Real Estate Sales Manager sample application that creates the toolbars. Four toolbars are created.
local integer result; {View items} result = CommandBar_Create(Command_GetTag(command CL_View of form 'Main Menu'),1, 1); {Edit items} result = CommandBar_Create(Command_GetTag(command cmdListEdit), 2,1); {Report items} result = CommandBar_Create(Command_GetTag(command CL_Reports of form 'Main Menu'),3,1); {Export items} result = CommandBar_Create(Command_GetTag(command CL_Export of form 'Main Menu'), 4, 2);
Notice that the sequence number is incremented as each toolbar is added. Also notice that the first three toolbars are added to the first row, so the row parameter is set to 1. The last toolbar is added to row 2, so its row parameter is set to 2.