Procedure: Using Replace

Use the following procedure to search for and replace items in the dictionary. Since the replace operation changes the contents of your dictionary, you may want to perform a find operation first to verify the changes that will be made.

  1. Open the Resource Find window.

Choose Find from the Edit menu or click the Find button in the Resource Explorer.

  1. Specify the item to search for.

In the Search String field, enter the text of the item you want to search for.

  1. Specify the replacement.

In the Replace String field, enter the text you want to replace each item that is found.

  1. Indicate where to search in the dictionary.

In the Look in drop-down list, choose one of the following items, indicating where you want to search:

All Dictionary Scripts   Searches all scripts in the dictionary.

All Global Scripts   Searches all global procedures and global functions in the dictionary.

All Form Scripts   Searches the scripts attached to and contained within the forms in the dictionary.

All Messages   Searches all of the message resources in the dictionary.

All Strings   Searches all of the string resources in the dictionary.

Selected Form Scripts   Searches the scripts attached to and contained within the forms you have selected in the Resource Explorer.

Selected Global Scripts   Searches the global procedures and functions you have selected in the Resource Explorer.

  1. Specify search options.

You can specify the following options for the search:

Match Case   Mark this option to have case considered when performing the search. The case must match exactly for an item to be found.

Match Whole Word   Mark this option to find only whole words that match the Search String.

Compile After Replace   Mark this option to have scripts automatically compiled after items in them have been replaced. This field is available only when you are performing a replace operation for scripts.

  1. Perform the Replace operation.

Click Replace to perform the replace operation. The results will appear at the bottom of the Resource Find window.

If you chose to compile scripts, and any compiling errors occurred, the Compile Messages window will be displayed.

  1. Print the results (optional).

To print the results of the Replace operation, click the Print button in the Resource Find window.

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