The Dexterity Report Writer and the Runtime Report Writer

The version of the Report Writer included in Dexterity is referred to as the Dexterity Report Writer. You can use it to create standard reports to be shipped with your application. The version of the Report Writer that is available with Dexterity applications is referred to as the Runtime Report Writer. It allows users to modify the reports provided with the Dexterity application, or to create new reports to address their specific needs. The following table explains the major differences between the Dexterity and Runtime Report Writer versions.





Resource ID

Resources created are numbered between 22,000 and 32,767.

Resources created are numbered between 20,000 and 21,999.


The Reports button on the toolbar opens the Reports window, which lists each report.

The Reports button on the toolbar opens the Report Writer window, which contains two separate lists. The first list shows the “original reports” that came with the application. The second list contains the “modified reports.” These are copies of original reports that have been modified using the Runtime Report Writer. New reports created with the Runtime Report Writer are also included in this list.


All reports are stored in the application dictionary.

New or modified reports are stored in a reports dictionary separate from the application dictionary. This reports dictionary is associated with the application dictionary. Use the Product Information window in Dexterity Utilities to specify a name for the reports dictionary.


All reports can be modified or deleted.

Users can copy a report and modify the copy; however, this allows only limited modifications. For example, to change the tables related to the report, users must first make a secondary copy of a modified report. This in effect creates a new report with a different name. Users can then modify that report as though it was one they created.

Only newly-created or modified reports can be deleted. Original reports can’t be deleted.

You can make the Runtime Report Writer available with your stand-alone application, provided your customers pay the necessary license fee. Refer to your Dexterity License Agreement for more information about the licensing procedures for the Runtime Report Writer.

Both versions of the Report Writer offer the same basic functionality for creating new reports. This functionality is discussed in detail throughout this part of the manual.

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