It’s important that you install the components of source code control in the proper order for the system to function properly.
Complete the steps necessary to install Microsoft Visual SourceSafe or any other source code control provider you will be using. Consult the documentation that comes with the source code control software for more information about installing it.
The Dexterity Source Code Control Server is the software that manages communication between Dexterity clients and the source code control system. It is a Windows NT Service that must be installed on the system that is running the source code control software. Use the following procedure to install the Dexterity Source Code Control Server.
Find the SETUP.EXE file, located in the DSCCS directory included with Dexterity. This file is the installer for the Dexterity Source Code Control Server. Run SETUP.EXE to begin the installation.
If you don’t want the DSCCS installed in the default location, click Browse to specify a different location.
The Dexterity Source Code Control Server control panel will be displayed. You can choose Microsoft Visual SourceSafe or the Generic provider.
If you chose Visual SourceSafe, you will need to specify the location of the SRCSAFE.INI file. If you want to use the Generic provider, you will need to specify a Root Directory. Refer to Generic Provider for more information.
If you are running under Windows NT or 2000, the service for Dexterity Source Code Control Server will be started. If the service doesn’t start, check the system event log for more information about the error that prevented the service from starting.
If you haven’t already done so, install Dexterity on each of the machines that will be accessing the source code control system.