Procedure: Creating integration reports

To create integration reports, complete the following procedure.

  1. Open your development dictionary.

The development dictionary is the Dynamics.dic dictionary in which you have developed your integrating application.

  1. Open the Integration Reports window.

Choose Integration Reports from the Utilities menu. The Integration Reports window will be displayed.

  1. Indicate whether to rebuild the Reference Information table.

The information used for the integration reports comes from the Reference Information table. This table contains data that describes the dependencies among the resources in the dictionary.

This is the same table used for the Reference Information window.

To have the most up-to-date reports, mark the Rebuild Reference Information option. Be aware that rebuilding this table can take several minutes.

  1. Indicate the reports to generate.

Mark the options that indicate the integration reports you want to generate. The following reports are available:

Integrating Resources   This report lists all of the third-party resources in your integrating application.

Integrating Resources by Main Product Dependency   This report lists the main product resources used by your application, along with the third-party resources that use them.

Integrating Resources by Main Product Dependency - Detail   This report lists the main product resources used by your application, along with each occurrence of the third-party resources that use them. Items that are referenced by scripts are listed with the line number where the item is used.

Main Product Dependencies   This report lists all of the resources in the main product dictionary that are used or referenced by your integrating application.

Main Product Dependencies by Integrating Resource   This report lists all of the resources in your integrating application, along with the main product resources that they reference.

Main Product Dependencies by Integrating Resource - Detail   This report lists all of the resources in your integrating application, along with every occurrence of the main product resources that they reference. Items that are referenced by scripts are listed with the line number where the item is used.

  1. Indicate the resource types to include in the reports.

Mark the types of resources that you want to include in the reports that are generated. In most cases, you will want to mark all of the resource types.

  1. Indicate whether to create a submission file.

If you want to create a submission file, mark the Create Submission File option. Submission files are described in the next section.

If you choose to create a Submission File, you will be required to mark the Rebuild Reference Information option.

  1. Start the report generation process.

Click Start to start the report generation process. The Report Destination window will be displayed for each report being produced. Specify the desired destination for each report and click OK.

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