The following table lists the reserved words in Dexterity. These are sanScript keywords and shouldn’t be used as the names of variables in scripts. Using a reserved word as a name in a script may prevent the script from being compiled. Dexterity reserved words are case-sensitive. For instance, “add” is a reserved word; “Add” is not.
abort add and anonymous application array as assign at background beep begingroup blocksize boolean bottom by call case change changes check clear close commit component continue copy currency current date days debug decrement delayed deletable delete descend destination dictionary |
disable do dollar edit else elseif enable end endgroup equals error every exclusive exit expand extern factor false field file fill first focus for force form from get globals help hide hold hours id if in increment inout insert |
integer is item last legends line load local lock long macro menu minutes module months move name next nocase nofocus none not notify number of open optional on or out override page palettes precision prev printer priority queue |
range real record recur redraw refresh release reject remote remove repeat report resid resize restart restriction return rollback run save script select service set show sort sproc start step string substitute sum system table text then time title to |
top transaction true type uncheck unlock until wait warning weeks while width windows with years window |