Once a window is open and visible to the user, you can use scripts to control how the fields appear in the window. The following commands show some of the actions scripts can perform for fields.
The hide field statement makes a field in the window invisible and inaccessible to the user. The following script hides the Sales Tax field of the current window.
hide field 'Sales Tax';
The show field statement makes a previously invisible field visible and accessible to the user. The following script makes the Sales Tax field of the current window visible.
show field 'Sales Tax';
The disable field statement makes a field appear in gray and makes it inaccessible to the user. The following script disables the Sales Tax field of the current window.
disable field 'Sales Tax';
The enable field statement makes a previously disabled field accessible to the user. The following script enables the Sales Tax field.
enable field 'Sales Tax';
The lock statement makes a field inaccessible to the user. The following script locks the Sales Tax field of the current window.
lock field 'Sales Tax';
The unlock statement makes a previously locked field accessible to the user. The following script unlocks the Sales Tax field.
unlock field 'Sales Tax';