Scrolling window properties

Several characteristics of the scrolling window are controlled by the scrolling window properties. To access the scrolling window visual properties, simply select the scrolling window in the layout area. The following visual property is unique to scrolling windows.





If this property is set to true, alternate lines of the scrolling window will appear with a different color. Use the Field_SetAltLineColor() function to specify the alternate line color.


Specifies the horizontal resize behavior for the scrolling window when per field resizing is used. For more information, refer to Resizing windows.


Specifies the vertical resize behavior for the scrolling window when per field resizing is used. For more information, refer to Resizing windows.

To access the scrolling window object properties, open the scrolling window layout and select the window. You can set the following properties for the scrolling window.





In a browse-only scrolling window, setting the DefaultDblClick property to true provides a short cut, allowing the user to double-click a line in the scrolling window to accomplish the action of selecting a line and clicking the push button whose Default property set to true.


This is the help context ID for the scrolling window.


This property controls focus and fill behavior of the scrolling window.


When this property is set to false (the default), Dexterity will consider which line is active in the scrolling window. When the focus moves to the scrolling window, either through the tab sequence or the focus statement, the focus will move to the active line if the line is visible. If the line is not visible, the focus will move to the first visible line.

When the scrolling window is filled from the current record, Dexterity will position the active line to ensure that a maximum number of rows are displayed.


When this property is set to true, Dexterity will use the traditional behavior for scrolling windows. When focus moves to the scrolling window through the tab sequence, the focus will move to the first line. When the focus statement is used, the focus will move to the active line if visible, or the first line if it is not.

When the scrolling window is filled from the current record, Dexterity will position the active line as the first line in the scrolling window.


This is the table linked to the scrolling window. Records displayed in the scrolling window come from this table. This is originally set in the Scrolling Window Options window.


This is the key for the linked table that specifies the default sorting order for the records in the scrolling window. This is originally set in the Scrolling Window Options window.


This is the name of the scrolling window. This is originally set in the Scrolling Window Options window.


Setting this option to true causes the scrolling window to display records at the end of the linked table, rather than at the beginning. In effect, the scrolling window has been scrolled to the bottom of the table. This is useful for adds-allowed scrolling windows because the user doesn’t have to scroll to the end of the window to add a new item.


This is the resource ID of the scrolling window.


This property specifies whether you want a browse-only, editable or adds-allowed scrolling window.

An adds-allowed scrolling window has a blank line at the bottom of the window where the user can add new lines to the window and save them in the linked table.

A browse-only scrolling window allows the user to select only one line in the scrolling window and make no changes.

An editable scrolling window allows the user to edit and change the contents of lines in the scrolling window. These changes can be saved in the linked table.

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