The script debugger is accessed from the Debug menu, which is available in both tools mode and test mode. The following is a list of the debugger-related items in the Debug menu.
This menu item opens the Script Debugger window, allowing you to select scripts and set breakpoints.
This menu item opens the Calls window, which displays a list of the scripts currently being run.
This menu item opens the Breakpoints window, which lists the breakpoints that have been set in the application. This window also allows setting options for breakpoints.
This menu item opens the Expressions window. This window allows you to view and alter the contents of variables and fields.
This menu item opens the Locals window, which displays the values of the variables and fields referenced in the current script.
This menu item opens the Table Buffers window. The Table Buffers window allows you to view the contents of the table buffers for the tables in the application.
These menu items are used to control execution of the application when it is stopped at a breakpoint. These are discussed in Using the debugger.