Paragraph object

The Paragraph object allows you to work with the paragraphs in a document. The Paragraphs collection contains all of the paragraphs in a document.

Creating a new paragraph

Use the Add method to add a new paragraph to the document and to the Paragraphs collection. The paragraph is added before the specified range.

{Add a new paragraph.}
paragraph = document.Paragraphs.Add(wordRange);

If a range is not specified, a paragraph is added at the end of the document.

You can add a new paragraph to the document with the InsertParagraph method. The InsertParagraph method replaces the Range object with the range of the new paragraph.

{Insert a new paragraph.}

You can also use the InsertParagraphBefore method or the InsertParagraphAfter method to add a new paragraph. The InsertParagraphBefore method inserts the paragraph before the range and expands the Range object to include the range of the new paragraph.

{Insert a paragraph before the specified range.}

The InsertParagraphAfter method inserts the new paragraph in the document after the range and expands the Range object to include the range of the new paragraph.

{Insert a paragraph after the specified range.}

Retrieving a paragraph

You can retrieve a paragraph from the Paragraphs collection with the Item method by the number associated with the paragraph.

{Retrieve the third paragraph from the Paragraphs collection.}
paragraph = document.Paragraphs.Item(3);

You can use the First property to retrieve the first paragraph in the Paragraphs collection.

{Retrieve the first paragraph from the Paragraphs collection.}
paragraph = document.Paragraphs.First;

You can use the Last property to access the last paragraph in the Paragraphs collection.

{Retrieve the last paragraph from the Paragraphs collection.}
paragraph = document.Paragraphs.Last;

Formatting a paragraph

The Paragraph object contains several properties to modify the appearance of a paragraph, such as the Alignment property and the Format property.

Alignment property   Use the Alignment property to change the horizontal alignment of a paragraph. To specify the alignment, use constants contained in the wdParagraphAlignment enumeration.

{Center the paragraph on the page.}
paragraph.Alignment = Word.wdAlignParagraphCenter;

Format property   The Format property returns a ParagraphFormat object. The properties from the ParagraphFormat object, such as the Hyphenation property, allow you to format the paragraph.

{Automatically hyphenate the paragraph.}
paragraph.Format.Hyphenation = true;

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