Script example

The following example uses objects from the Microsoft Word Object Library to create a table in a new document, RESM.DOC. The script adds a record displayed in the Buyers window of the Real Estate Sales Manager application to a row in the table.

local Word.Application app;
local Word.Document document;
local Word.Table wordTable;
local Word.Range wordRange;

{If Word is running, use it. Otherwise, create a new instance.}
app = COM_GetObject("Word.Application");
if(app = null) then
	app = new Word.Application();
end if;

{Make Word visible.}
app.Visible = true;

{Create a new document.}
document = app.Documents.Add();

{Add a table with two rows and four columns to the document.}
wordRange = document.Range(0,0);
wordTable = document.Tables.Add(wordRange, 2, 4);

{Set the values of the cells in the first row in the table.}
wordRange = wordTable.Cell(1,1).Range;
wordRange.InsertAfter("Buyer ID");
wordRange = wordTable.Cell(1,2).Range;
wordRange.InsertAfter("Buyer First Name");
wordRange = wordTable.Cell(1,3).Range;
wordRange.InsertAfter("Buyer Last Name");
wordRange = wordTable.Cell(1,4).Range;

{If record is not displayed, warn user. Otherwise, add the record.}
if 'Buyer ID' = "" then
	warning "Please display a record in the Buyers window.";
	wordRange = wordTable.Cell(2,1).Range;
	wordRange.InsertAfter('Buyer ID');
	wordRange = wordTable.Cell(2,2).Range;
	wordRange.InsertAfter('Buyer First Name');
	wordRange = wordTable.Cell(2,3).Range;
	wordRange.InsertAfter('Buyer Last Name');
	wordRange = wordTable.Cell(2,4).Range;
end if;

{Close the document and prompt the user for a document name.}

{Close the application.}

{Clear the variables.}
clear wordRange;
clear wordTable;
clear document;
clear app;


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