The Key object allows you to define the keys for a table. The Keys collection contains all of the keys for a table.
Use the Append method to create a new key. The Append method automatically adds the key to the Keys collection.
{Append a new key, named "PrimaryKey", to the Keys collection.} tableKey = adoxTable.Keys.Append("PrimaryKey");
You can retrieve an existing key from the Keys collections with the Item property by the number associated with the key.
{Retrieve the first key.} tableKey = adoxTable.Keys.Item[0];
You can also access keys by the name of the key.
{Retrieve the key named "PrimaryKey".} tableKey = adoxTable.Keys.Item["PrimaryKey"];
Use the Name property to retrieve the name of a key.
{Retrieve the name of a key.} name = tableKey.Name;
You can also use the Name property to set the name of a key.
{Set the name of a key.} tableKey.Name = "PrimaryKey";
Use the Type property to retrieve the type of a key. The returned value is equivalent to a constant contained in the KeyTypeEnum enumeration.
{Retrieve the type of a key.} keyType = tableKey.Type;
You can also use the Type property to set the type of a key.
{Set the type of the key as primary.} tableKey.Type = ADOX.adKeyPrimary;