The following example uses objects from the Microsoft ADO Object Library to add a record displayed in the Buyers window of the Real Estate Sales Manager application to the “BuyerInfo” table created in the Script example.
local ADODB.Connection connection; local ADODB.Recordset recordset; local string query; local string conString; {Define the ADO connection string.} conString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\RESM\RESM.MDB"; query = "SELECT BuyerID FROM BuyerInfo"; {Create and open a connection.} connection = new ADODB.Connection(); connection.Open(conString); {Create and open a recordset.} recordset = new ADODB.Recordset(); recordset.Open(query, connection, ADODB.adOpenDynamic,ADODB.adLockOptimistic); {If the record isn’t displayed, warn the user. Otherwise, add the record to the table.} if 'Buyer ID' = "" then warning "Please display a record in the Buyers window."; else recordset.AddNew(); recordset.Fields.Item[0].Value = 'Buyer ID'; recordset.Fields.Item[1].Value = 'Buyer First Name'; recordset.Fields.Item[2].Value = 'Buyer Last Name'; recordset.Fields.Item[3].Value = Phone; recordset.Update(); end if; {Close the recordset.} recordset.Close(); {Close the connection.} connection.Close(); {Clear the variables.} clear connection; clear recordset;