The MailItem object allows you to work with a mail message. An Items collection is associated with each MAPIFolder object. The collection contains all of the mail messages in the folder.
Use the CreateItem method from the Application object to create a new mail message. You must specify the item type with the olMailItem constant from the olItemType enumeration. The mail message is automatically added to the Items collection.
{Create a new mail message.} mailItem = app.CreateItem(Outlook.olMailItem);
You can also use the Add method from the Items collection to create a new mail message. You must specify the item type with the olMailItem constant.
{Create a new mail message.} mailItem = folder.Items.Add(Outlook.olMailItem);
You can retrieve a mail message from the Items collection with the Item method by the number associated with the mail message.
{Retrieve the third mail message from the Items collection.} mailItem = folder.Items.Item(3);
You can also access a mail message by the mail message’s subject.
{Retrieve the mail message named "Houses Available".} mailItem = folder.Items.Item("Houses Available");
Use the Display method to display a mail message in a window.
{Display the mail message.} mailItem.Display();
To add a new recipient to a mail message, create a new Recipient object or add a new recipient to the Recipients collection. For more information, refer to Recipient object.
To add a new attachment to a mail message, you must add a new Attachment object to the Attachments collection. For more information, refer to Attachment object.
Use the Subject property to specify a mail message’s subject.
{Specify the subject of the mail message.} mailItem.Subject = "Houses Available";
Use the Body property to create the body of a mail message.
{Create the body of a mail message.} mailItem.Body = "We have found several houses that match your profile.";
Use the Importance property to specify a mail message’s importance. Set the level of importance with a constant from the olImportance enumeration.
{Set the mail message’s importance to high.} mailItem.Importance = Outlook.olImportanceHigh;
Use the Send method to send a mail message. The Send method also saves the mail message to the Sent Items folder.
{Send the mail message.} mailItem.Send();
You can use the Sent property to find out if a mail message has been sent. The Sent property returns true if the mail message has been sent. Otherwise, it returns false. You cannot set the value of the Sent property.
{If a mail message has not been sent, send it.} if(not mailItem.Sent) then mailItem.Send(); end if;
If you have previously saved a mail message, use the Save method to save the mail message.
{Save an existing mail message.} mailItem.Save();
To save a new mail message, use the SaveAs method. You must specify the filename for the mail message. You can also specify the saved message’s file type with a constant from the olSaveTypeAs enumeration. If you do not specify a constant, the mail message is saved as the message file type.
{Save the new mail message as a a text file.} mailItem.SaveAs("C:\RESM\HOUSES.TXT", Outlook.olTXT);
You can use the Saved property to find out if a mail message has been saved. The Saved property returns true if the mail message has been saved. Otherwise, it returns false. You cannot set the value of the Saved property.
{If a mail message has not been saved, save it.} if(not mailItem.Saved) then mailItem.Save(); end if;
To delete a mail message, use the Delete method.
{Delete the mailItem.} mailItem.Delete();
Use the Close method to close a mail message. You can use the constants contained in the OlInspectorClose enumeration to specify whether a mail message is saved when it is closed. To save a draft of a mail message, use the Close method and specify the olSave constant.
{Close the mail message and save the message in the Drafts folder.} mailItem.Close(Outlook.olSave);