Change Core window


The Change Core utility allows you to change which dictionary core a core resource is located in. Each core resource is located in one of the seven dictionary cores:


Large applications, such as Microsoft Dynamics GP, have thousands of core resources. To better manage all of these core resources, the core resources are grouped into dictionary cores. These dictionary cores correspond to series for Microsoft Dynamics GP. For this reason, the dictionary cores are sometimes referred to as "series." If a core resource was inadvertently placed in the incorrect dictionary core, the Change Core utility is used to move it to the proper dictionary core.

The series associated with forms, reports, tables and table groups have no direct relation to the "series" that correspond to the dictionary cores. The series associated with forms, reports, tables and table groups are used for the series resource lists, which are described in Updating series resources.

When you change which dictionary core a table is located in, you also change the location of the keys and table relationships for that table. Changing which dictionary core a table is located in doesn't change the series marked on the table resource itself as seen in Dexterity. If you change the dictionary core a field is located in, the location of the physical name resource that corresponds to that field is changed as well.

Refer to the following topic for more information about the Change Core utility:


To display this window

Select an editable dictionary, then choose Change Core from the Resources menu.

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