Transfer Utilities

The Transfer utilities allow you to transfer resources, strings and messages, windows, and dictionary modules between dictionaries. You can also transfer third-party resources from a Dynamics.dic development dictionary to a newer version of the dictionary.

Before beginning a transfer, you must choose a source and a destination dictionary. To open a source dictionary, choose Open Source Dictionary from the File menu and select the appropriate dictionary in the dialog box that will appear. To open a destination dictionary, choose Open Destination Dictionary from the File menu and select a dictionary using the same method.

If you want to transfer resources, strings and messages, windows, or dictionary modules into a new dictionary, choose Create New Dictionary from the File menu and specify the name and location of the dictionary in the dialog box that will appear. Then choose Open Destination Dictionary from the File menu and select the new dictionary.

Transferring items only copies them from the source dictionary to the destination dictionary. Transferring doesn’t remove items from the source dictionary.

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