Reports summary

The following table summarizes the reports most commonly used to view information about specific resources.



Report to use



List the characteristics of a composite.

Global Resources Report. Select Composites as the resource type.

List the unused composites in a dictionary.

Global Resource Usage Report. Select Composites as the resource type. Select Unused as the resource detail. You can choose to remove the unused composites.

List the data types that a composite is used with.

Global Resource Usage Report. Select Composites as the resource type. Select List Occurrences as the resource detail.


List the constants defined for a dictionary.

Global Resources Report. Select Constants as the resource type.

Data Types


List the characteristics of global data types.

Global Resources Report. Select Data Types as the resource type.

List the characteristics of local data types.

Local Resources Report. Choose Local Data Types as the resource type.

List the unused global data types in a dictionary.

Global Resource Usage Report. Select Data Types as the resource type. Select Unused as the resource detail. You can choose to remove the unused data types.

List the unused local data types for a form.

Local Resource Usage Report. Select Local Data Types as the resource type. Select Unused as the resource detail. You can choose to remove the unused local data types.


List the characteristics of global fields.

Global Resources Report. Select Global Fields as the resource type.

List the characteristics of local fields.

Local Resources Report. Choose Local Fields as the resource type.

List the unused global fields in an application.

Global Resource Usage Report. Select Fields as the resource type. Select Unused as the resource detail. You can choose to remove the unused fields.

List the unused local fields for a form.

Local Resource Usage Report. Select Local Fields as the resource type. Select Unused as the resource detail. You can choose to remove the unused local fields.

List where a specific global field is used.

Global Resource Usage Report. Select Global Fields as the resource type. Select List Occurrences as the resource detail.


List where a specific local field is used.

Local Resource Usage Report. Select Local Fields as the resource type. Select List Occurrences as the resource detail.

List the fields in a window.

Forms Report. Mark the Window Information check box.

List the field options for a window field.

Forms Report. Mark the Window Information check box.

List the fields without physical names.

Summary Reports. Select Field Summary report.

List the resource IDs for global fields.

Resource Lists. Select [Core] Corename Fields as the dictionary module. Select Field as the resource type.

List the resource IDs for the local fields in a form.

Resource Lists report. Select [Form] Formname as the dictionary module. Select Field as the resource type.

List the window fields that are linked to prompts.

Linked Prompt Report. Select All Fields and Prompts as the field detail.

List the window fields that aren’t linked to a prompt.

Linked Prompt Report. Select Fields with no Prompt as the field detail.

Print field scripts.

Forms Report. Mark the Window Information check box.


Local Resources Report. Choose Local Scripts as the resource type.

Summarize the global fields in the dictionary.

Summary Reports. Select Field Summary report.


List the characteristics of a format.

Global Resources Report. Select Formats as the resource type.

List the data types where a format is used.

Global Resource Usage Report. Select Formats as the resource type. Select List Occurrences as the resource detail.

List the unused formats in a dictionary.

Global Resource Usage Report. Select Formats as the resource type. Select Unused as the resource detail. You can choose to remove the unused formats.


List the form series a form is associated with.

Global Resource Usage Report. Select Forms as the resource type.

List the forms in a specific form series.

Global Resources Report. Select Form Groups as the resource type.

List the name of a form.

Forms Report.

List the resource ID of a form.

Resource Lists report. Select [Form] Formname as the dictionary module. Select Form as the resource type.

List the tables attached to a form.

Forms Report. Mark the File Information check box.

List whether the form is used for a lookup.

Global Resource Usage Report. Select Forms as the resource type.

Print form-level functions.

Forms Report.


Local Resources Report. Select Form Functions as the resource type.

Print form-level procedures.

Forms Report.


Local Resources Report. Select Form Procedures as the resource type.

Print form scripts.

Forms Report


Local Resources Report. Select Local Scripts as the resource type.

Global Variables

List the system variables in a dictionary.

Global Resources Report. Select System Variables as the resource type.


List the menus for a form.

Forms Report. Mark the Menu Information check box.

Print menu scripts.

Forms Report. Mark the Menu Information check box.


Local Resources Report. Select Local Scripts as the resource type.


List the messages in a dictionary.

Global Resources Report. Select Messages as the resource type.


List the generic pictures in a dictionary.

Global Resources Report. Select Pictures as the resource type.

List the Windows metafile pictures in a dictionary.

Global Resources Report. Select Metafiles as the resource type.

List the unused pictures in a dictionary.

Global Resource Usage Report. Select Pictures as the resource type for generic pictures. Select Metafiles as the resource type for Windows format pictures. Select Unused as the resource detail. You can choose to remove the unused pictures.

List where a picture is used in a dictionary.

Global Resource Usage Report. Select Pictures as the resource type for generic pictures. Select Metafiles as the type for Windows format pictures. Select List Occurrences as the resource detail.


List the characteristics of a report.

Reports Report.

List the reports in a specific series.

Global Resources Report. Select Report Groups as the resource type.


Print field scripts.

Forms Report. Mark the Window Information check box.


Local Resources Report. Select Local Scripts as the resource type.

Print form-level functions.

Forms Report.


Local Resources Report. Select Form Functions as the resource type.

Print form-level procedures.

Forms Report.


Local Resources Report. Select Form Procedures as the resource type.

Print form scripts.

Forms Report.


Local Resources Report. Select Local Scripts as the resource type.

Print global functions.

Global Functions Report.

Print global procedures.

Global Procedures Report.

Print menu scripts.

Forms Report. Mark the Menu Information check box.


Local Resources Report. Choose Local Scripts as the resource type.


Print window scripts.

Forms Report. Mark the Window Information check box.


Local Resources Report. Select Local Scripts as the resource type.


List the strings used in a dictionary.

Global Resources Report. Select Strings as the resource type.

List the unused strings in a dictionary.

Global Resource Usage Report. Select Strings as the resource type. Select Unused as the resource detail. You can choose to remove the unused strings.

List where a string is used in a dictionary.

Global Resource Usage Report. Select Strings as the resource type. Select List Occurrence as the resource detail.


List table characteristics.

Tables Report.

List how many times and where a table is linked.

Global Resource Usage Report. Select Tables as the resource type. Select List Occurrences as the resource detail.

List the fields in a table.

Tables Report. Mark the Fields check box.

List the keys for a table.

Tables Report. Mark the Keys check box.

List the table relationships for a table.

Tables Report. Mark the Relationships check box.

List the tables attached to a form.

Forms Report. Mark the Table Information check box.

List the tables in a table group.

Global Resources Report. Select Table Groups as the resource type.

List the tables in a specific table series.

Global Resources Report. Select Table Lists as the resource type.

List the table groups in a specific series.

Global Resources Report. Select Table Group Lists as the resource type.

List the resource IDs of table groups.

Resource Lists report. Select [Core] Corename Core as the dictionary module. Select Table Group as the resource type.

List the resource IDs of tables.

Resource Lists report. Select [Core] Corename Core as the dictionary module. Select Table as the resource type.

Summarize the information for a table.

Summary Reports. Select Table Summary report.

Table Relationships

Identify invalid table relationships.

Table Relationships Validation Report.


List characteristics of a window.

Forms Report. Mark the Window Information check box.

List resource ID of a window.

Resource Lists report. Select [Form] Formname as the dictionary module. Select Window as the resource type.

Print window scripts.

Forms Report. Mark the Window Information check box.


Local Resources Report. Choose Local Scripts as the resource type.


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