Defines the properties of a manufacturing order document in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Property |
Type |
Length |
Default |
Description |
ActualDemand |
N/A |
N/A |
Specifies the quantity of items. |
ManufacturingOrderDocumentKey |
N/A |
N/A |
The key that uniquely identifies the manufacturing order document. |
Description |
string |
30 |
Empty |
Specifies a description of the manufacturing order. |
OrderStatus |
N/A |
N/A |
ManufacturingOrderStatus enumeration value specifying the status of the order. |
ItemKey |
N/A |
N/A |
A key specifying the item number of the item being manufactured. |
IsArchivedMO |
boolean |
N/A |
False |
Specifies whether the manufacturing order has been archived. |
BOMCategory |
N/A |
N/A |
BOMCategory enumeration value specifying the bill of materials category. |
RoutingName |
string |
30 |
Empty |
Specifies the name of the route. |
EndingQty |
N/A |
N/A |
Specifies the quantity of the item after the order is complete. |
StartingQty |
N/A |
N/A |
Specifies the quantity of the item when the order begins. |
StartDate |
dateTime |
N/A |
Empty |
Specifies the date the manufacturing order started. |
EndDate |
dateTime |
N/A |
Empty |
Specifies the date the manufacturing order ended. |
DrawFromSite |
string |
10 |
Empty |
Specifies the inventory site for the components used in the manufacturing order. |
LastModifiedDate |
dateTime |
N/A |
N/A |
The date the manufacturing order was last modified. The value is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This property is read-only. |
ScheduleMethod |
N/A |
N/A |
Scheduling method enumeration values specifying the schedule method. |
PostToSite |
string |
10 |
Empty |
Specifies the inventory site for finished items. |
LotNumber |
string |
20 |
Empty |
Specifies the number used to identify the items produced by the manufacturing order. |
SchedulingPreference |
string |
20 |
Empty |
Specifies the scheduling preference. |
PlanName |
string |
15 |
Empty |
Specifies the manufacturing plan. |
Priority |
N/A |
N/A |
ManufacturingOrderPriority enumeration value specifying the priority of the manufacturing order. |
Notes |
string |
8000 |
Empty |
Specifies additional information associated with the manufacturing order. |
OutSourced |
N/A |
N/A |
ManufacturingOrderOutSourced enumeration specifying whether the order was outsourced. |
ComponentCalculation |
N/A |
N/A |
ManufacturingOrderComponentCalculation enumeration value specifying how components are calculated. |
DateCompleted |
dateTime |
N/A |
Empty |
Specifies the date the manufacturing order was completed. |
PickNumber |
string |
17 |
Empty |
Specifies the number of the manufacturing pick document. |
IsQuickMO |
boolean |
N/A |
False |
Specifies whether the manufacturing order is a a Quick MO. |
RoutingRevisionLevel |
string |
50 |
Empty |
Specifies the current routing revision level. |
BOMRevisionLevel |
string |
50 |
Empty |
Specifies the current bill of materials revision level. |